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2017/12/23 10:11:45
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areas to cover in ny 1. Transportation 2. bridges and tonells and piars 3. musums, zoo.gardens,aquareums 4. parks and play grounds 5. tall buildings 6. arcutecture 7.rivers and beaches and […]


10/Sep/2021 – My Visa expired in December 2020. Due to Covid-19, I was not able to go to India and renew my visa. Instead, I applied for an extension from […]

When I grow up I want to be Fire Fighter! Fire Fighters take care of people. Fire Fighters are strong. They have cool vehicles and do cool stuff. They have […]

Hello Reader! This is our new blog. We were looking for the best web hosting providers. After experimenting with a few web-hosting provides, we finally decided to use to […]